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Net Metering

Ontario encourages its residents to use solar to reduce their power consumption. While the province enjoys clean generation from Hydro plants, the supply is limited. As needs grow province wide, expensive upgrades and new generation will be needed. Hydro One would like customers to reduce power consumption and considers self-generation from solar a key to its future. As an incentive for cleaner power generation, Hydro One offers a Net Metering program.

The Net Metering program is available to any Hydro One customer who is generating power through solar installations. If the customer generates power that is not needed during the day, it can be exported back to Hydro One in return for a credit towards electricity costs. Excess generation credits can be carried forward for a consecutive 12-month period to offset future electricity costs.

A solar system can produce 20 to 100% of the annual power needed to run a home. With the incentives the electricity off the roof is close to the same as buying power from Hydro One. Add future rate increase and the solar electricity gets cheaper every year.

We can help you apply for the Net Metering Program on Hydro One's website.

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